How to register an account on Viltana7?

  1. Visit the https://viltana7.com/register link
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Click the [登録] button
  4. Check your mailbox and follow the content in the mail.

How to connect with my Zoom account ?

On the homepage, click the [統合スタート] link to navigate to the Zoom account information.

How to create a meeting?

Once your account has been connected to your Zoom account you can create meetings

  1. On the home page press the [ルームを作る] button
  2. Select a topic category
  3. Enter the subject
  4. Enter your subject text
  5. Click the [ルームを作る] button

How to join a meeting?

  1. On the home page, press the [ルームを探す] button to search for a meeting
  2. Select the meeting you want to join.
  3. Click the [参加する] button to join.

How can I disconnect my Zoom account?

  1. Visit the link https://viltana7.com/zoom-integration
  2. Click the [統合キャンセル]

How to get support ?

If you have any questions, complaints, or 1 other request please contact us.
email: info@fnh.jp